
Showing posts from November, 2020

Merchant of Venice Act 1 - Scene 1 & Scene 2 Answers

Click on the links below to download Act 1 Scene 1 & Scene 2 PDFs Scene 1 - Q. 1 & Q. 2     Scene 1 - Q. 3 to Q. 6     Scene 1 - Q. 7 & Q. 8; Scene 2 - Complete     If unable to download PDFs, see the images below   

Merchant of Venice Act 1 Scene 3 to Act 2 Scene 4 PDF

   Click on the given links and download the PDFs Act 1 Scene 1 PDF Act 2 Scene 1 PDF   Act 2 Scene 2 PDF Act 2 Scene 3 PDF   Act 2 Scene 4 PDF   Images   Act I Scene 3 Act 2 Scene 1 Act 2 Scene 2 Act 2 Scene 3 Act 2 Scene 4    

Poem - 4: After Blenheim

Extract 1 Extract 2 Extract 3 (i, ii, iii) Extract 3(iv, v); & Excract 4(i, ii, iii, iv) Extract 4 (v); Extract 5(i, ii, iii) Extract 5(iv, v)

Merchant of Venice - Hindi Translation - Act II Scene 5

शाइलॉक ठीक है, तुम देखोगे, तुम्हारी आँखें देखेंगी, बूढ़े शाइलॉक और बेसनियो का अंतर | - (ऊंची आवाज़ में जेसिका से) जेसिका! - (लौंसलोट से) तुम वहां ज्यादा खाना नहीं खा पओगे, जैसा तुमने मेरे यहाँ पर किया | -  (ऊंची आवाज़ में जेसिका से)  जेसिका! - (लौंसलोट से)  और जैसे तुम मेरे यहाँ पर दिन भर सोते थे और अपने कपडे ख़राब करते थे , वैसा वहां पर नहीं कर पाओगे | -  (ऊंची आवाज़ में जेसिका से)  जेसिका सुनाई नहीं देता क्या! लौंसलोट (ऊंची आवाज़ में) अरे जेसिका! शाइलॉक तुम किसे बुला रहे हो | मैंने तुमसे किसी को बुलाने को नहीं कहा | लौंसलोट आपको हमेशा यह बताना पसंद था कि मैं बिना बताए कुछ भी नहीं कर सकता। जेसिका का प्रवेश शाइलॉक जेसिका, मुझे रात्रिभोज के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया है | ये लो मेरी चाबियां | - परन्तु मैं क्यों जाऊँ ? उन्होंने मुझे इसलिए आमंत्रित नहीं किया क्योंकि वे मुझे पसंद करते हैं | वे सिर्फ मेरी चापलूसी कर रहे हैं | पर फिर भी मैं जाऊंगा, बदले के लिए , उस अपव्ययी ईसाई का खाना खाने के लिए (ताकि उसके अधिक पैसे खर्च हों) | जेसिका, मेरी बेटी, घर का ध्यान रखना | मुझे जाने का मन नहीं है। मेरे सा

Merchant of Venice Act II Scene 6

Extract 1. 1. Where does this scene take place? Who has out-dwelt his hour? Normally what do the lovers do as far as the appointed time is concerned? This scene takes place in the street outside Shylock’s house. Lorenzo has out-dwelt his hour to meet Gratiano and Salarino for the masque. Lovers generally rush to  the meeting  place long before  the appointed hour. 2. Who is Venus? How do the Venus's pigeons behave as far as love is concerned? In Greek mythology, Venus is the goddess of love. Salarino commented that the doves that draw the chariot of  Goddess of love, fly ten times  faster, when they are journeying to find new  love than  they do when lovers are married. 3. How does Gratiano explain in the extract the state of people in love? According to Gratiano, people in love are anxious to meet each other. They rush to their meeting places much before the appointed time. Thus, people in love keep punctuality in their  meetings and they are never late. 4.     Give the meaning of

Merchant of Venice Act II Scene 5

Act II - Scene 5 Extract 1 Answer 1. Shylock accepts the invitation to dinner out of hatred and to eat the food of the extravagant Christian, Bassanio. Earlier in the play, when Bassanio invites him for dinner, he refuses to dine with Christians since they were pork-eaters. He asserted then that he would never eat, drink or pray with Christians although he is ready to do business with them. Answer 2. Shylock is unhappy to accept the invitation this time too as he feels that some misfortune is about to take place. The previous night he had a dream about money-bags which was considered as a bad omen. Bassanio is referred to as the prodigal Christian because he is a wasteful, who spends money extravagantly which he has borrowed from Shylock. Prodigal is a reference to the prodigal son described in the Bible who wasted his share of wealth by careless living. Answer 3. (a). I am not invited out of love. (b). I hate to accept the invitation to dinner. Answer 4. Jessica and Lorenzo take advan