
Showing posts with the label poems

Poem 2: The Cold Within (Workbook Answers)

Treasure Trove Poem 2 The Cold Within Extract 1 Answer 1: The figure of speech used is Alliteration. The adjectives 'bleak and bitter' define 'cold'. The coldness of the surroundings is compared to the coldness in the hearts of the six people, because they were not friendly to one another. Answer 2: The people referred to here are the six people who are trapped in a cold place by some accident. They need logs to renew the fire to protect themselves in the cold. Answer 3: The 'first one' is a prejudiced white woman who hates people of other races. The 'next man' is a religious fanatic and a bigot who hates people not belonging to his religion. Answer 4: The first one held back her log. She does this because she was a racist. She didn't want the black man to be saved by the warmth provided by her log. Answer 5: Literally, this line refers to the fire that is dying and needs to be kept alive with the use of a log. Metaphorically, it can be understo...